Monday, April 7, 2014

On Celebrating 28

As I approach 28 and only two to the big three O, I reflect back on my twenties and question if I did everything I thought I would and a massive NO screams at me.  Many people feel sorry for me because I am not married and have no prospect of soon being married, but I am happy about my twenties.  I have not always done the norm and I thank God for that because it has made me who I am, and I am happy to be the 28 year Celina.  Everyone's journey is different, I am glad I have been brave so far to take mine.  I know I will forever stretch and hopefully grow; I look forward to embracing new adventures, but I have already done and seen far more than I thought I ever would.  I have forgotten some of them, but like cells make up my body so they have made me.

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I have lost myself and found myself in the process of reaching 28.  I stared my past in the face and won the war, I have found love and lost love, I have made some of the most beautiful friendships I hope continue for a lifetime, I have taught the most amazing children any teacher could wish to teach.  I have let go of some things and people I held dear. I still hate Christian clichés and religious nuts, I still over think so many things, I still have to be careful I don’t drink too much, I still have to watch my mouth and my sarcasm and I'm sure I’ll have to for the rest of my life, I still have to remind myself to live in the present and not tomorrow or ten years from now, I still have to force myself to exercise.  

Thankfully it’s not at still here at 28. God has become someone completely different than what I thought him ten years ago, thank goodness for that.  I have welcomed some beliefs with open arms and cussed at some for their ridiculousness.  To those entering your twenties, don’t get married too young and stop worrying if you’ll ever get married, date people, date one person, date no one if you prefer, go adventure, go find wonderful friends-males and females, go find out who God is for YOURSELF, don’t take everything they tell you about Him, create your own relationship with Him and stop mirroring someone else’s. Read the Bible, it’s an amazing book to discover. You’ll be shocked by the love you find there that is disappointingly starkly different from the one the church shows sometimes.  And don’t just stop at the Bible, read every book you can get your hands on, read biographies, you’ll find courage through the stories of others, read History, learn what happened to the place you live, read poetry, to learn how to appreciate small things, read classics, they are my favourite, you’ll learn how rich the English Language was, read mystery, Agatha Christie will show you the genius she is at creating it, read magazines, you’ll be amazed how dumb and shallow celebrities can be, read the news, know what’s happening in your world, read people’s Facebook’s post and for heaven’s sake don’t just stalk, like or comment.  Try a job, heck try ten jobs, I know I’ve tried a number of them, find what you really love if you don’t already know what it is, try everything till you find it.  And when you have found it, give it everything you've got.   

Most importantly surround yourself with people who are healthy and filled with grace for all your mistakes, avoid those who you know have no interest for you at heart, or those weirdoes who constantly claim how wonderful and perfect they are.  Find people who will support your dreams and will not be afraid to give you a proper kick in the ass when you need it, those people who will be honest with you, those people who will never remind you of the sins you have committed because they know they are guilty of sins as well. And you be one of those people too, you will always attract your kind. 

 Be a contributor to this place called home, try to leave it better than you found it. 

Then...when you are good and ready, fall in love and get married for love and for no other reason, not for convenience, not because you’re turning thirty, not because everyone says you are so compatible, not because he’s rich.  Get married because that person is your best friend and you want to help that person’s dreams become reality and they want to do the same for you.  When you think you’re ready to be selfless for the rest of your life, have a couple kids and enjoy the hell of out of them because children are the most beautiful things I have seen on this earth.  They have a special magic they carry that we somehow lose in the process of becoming very adult.  And never ever forget to laugh, no matter how loud or obnoxious your laugh is.